One of the biggest headaches any watch owner will ever face is finding the right person or tool to repair your watch or broken watch straps. Even if it’s only your battery that needs replaced, you many times need to take your watch to a specialized dealer to ensure that it continues to work as it should after its been repaired. Otherwise, even with simple repairs, your watch could suddenly no longer work, lose its waterproof protection, or a variety of other problems could strike. You especially need to take care when you repair your classic watches or designer watches as they have much more value to lose than a cheaper watch.
Especially if you own a valuable watch, either for sentimental or monetary reasons, you have to do your research when it comes to finding a watch repairman because many watches are incredibly delicate, especially older ones. Find a good watchmaker, not just the closest one. Do some research on the internet; you may be able to safely ship your watch to someone specialized in dealing with your make or model.
Rates of repair for watches are generally between $20 and $500 an hour. This is because watch repair is very skilled labor that requires a steady hand and extensive knowledge. Between fifty and one hundred dollars is a reasonable price. However, for more complicated watches, such as non-American watches or watches made prior to 1900, the price may go up considerably.
Not every watch can be repaired however. For lower quality watch, the cost to repair them may be more than the cost of getting a new watch. There are cheaper watch repairmen that can be found in the jewelry department of department stores. If you own a more inexpensive watch, such as a Timex Ironman that needs special attention when the battery is changed to keep it waterproof they can be a good alternative to more expensive watch repairmen.
Watch Repairer or Watch Maker?
See all 2 photosphere are two different titles that watch specialists use, watch repairer and watch maker. There’s no governing body that regulates which title someone can use, but there should be several differences between the two.
A Watch Repairer is someone who repairs watches, is skilled in a variety of crafts and should be able to:
? Dismantle, clean and inspect the watch
? Reassemble, oil, and time the watch
? Use a watchmaker's lathe
? Replace broken jewels
? Make repairs to the case
? Make other minor adjustments
Watchmakers are more advanced than Watch Repairmen and should possess all the above skills and also be able to:
? Create parts that are needed to repair the watch
? Make adjustments according to factory specifications
? Use materials and methods that mimic the time the watch was created
When you do find a watchmaker or repairer you would like to use, check their certifications. There are courses offered by the American Watchmaker’s-Clockmaker’s Institute and other private schools that ensure your watch will be in good hands. Also make sure that a warranty is always offered covering the watch for damages during its repair. The best way to find a reputable watch repairman is always word of mouth, ask friends and relatives if they know of any.
Brand-name designer watches should almost always be repaired with authorized dealers or the manufacturers themselves. These watches many times will have their own brand of parts designed for optimum performance and going to a low quality repair shop could result in low quality parts being put into your watch. Designers also generally offer repair schools that teach candidates how to handle their watches. One example of this is Rolex, which offers a world-class school for its watch repairers.
If you have a jeweled watch with precious gems such as diamonds in it, these should be handled by jewelers. They will ensure that the gems do not get damaged in the process of repairing the watch.
Most of today’s watch batteries last at least two years, and sometimes as long as four years, before they need to get changed. You can tell that your battery needs to be changed when it slowly starts to lose time. Even though it seems like a simple procedure, you shouldn’t attempt to change a watch battery unless you don’t care if the watch ceases to work. If you watch is waterproof, you may mess up the waterproofing, and on top of this, most watches place the battery in a tight compartment that needs a special machine to close it. You may also end up scratching your watch case or damaging other essential working parts of your watch. The good news, however, is that most place will change your battery for only a few dollars.
If you’re planning on trying to repair watches yourself, there are lots of tools available to you. As a start, you should at least own a good pair of tweezers and screwdrivers. The tweezers should ideally be non-magnetic, sharp and parallel. The best screwdrivers are from German and Swiss manufacturers, but you can also find cheaper brands as well. Other tools you may need include
? Emery Cloth
? Waterless Cleaning Solutions
? Nippers
? Pliers
? Demagnetizer
? Watch Close and Opening Tool
? Truing Calipher
? Timing Machine
? Watch Lathe
? Polisher
? Hand Pullers